Sunday, 29 April 2012

breakbeat picks

+ Drumattic_Twins-Meeting_Point-(SUGBT009)-WEB-2012-USR
+ Martopeter_-_Bass_Hole-(DSTR0459)-WEB-2012-HQEM
+ DJ_Tokyo_and_Chekan-Concert-(MIHR040)-WEB-2012-MPX
+ Skaarj-New_Day-(NFB117)-WEB-2012-MPX
+ Unique_3-Rocks_the_Bass_(Remixes_1.0)-(MATE020)-WEB-2011-MPX // 2012-04-19 at 05:37

that's the first time we've ever seen Utah Saints and Drumattic Twins together on a single / ep release.. MartOpetEr from south of France continues to impress me with all of his releases.. more information about him here.. and there's a darkly tasty Si Begg remix for the moody crew tucked away on the Unique 3 here.